MovMed Level 2


As we launch our Foundations of Functional Training (FFT) 10 week course, we're going to use that template as a base to teach a more in-depth approach to coaching others using MovMed principles. We aim for Level 2 to give you the tools to give custom structured programming to your clients.


By registering for Level 2, you will receive...

The FFT 10-Week Course (Priced at $350)

6 Weeks of Group Classes (multiple/week)

3 Online 1-on-1 Sessions (45 Minute Sessions)

Our next wave starts March 18th/2025
Sign up now to gain instant access to our Level 2 Pre-recorded classes and the FFT 10-Week Course.

Topics Include


Motility = Slide & Glide (Precursor of mobility/flexibility)

Midline = Deep Frontline/Centerline/Butt-Mouth

  • The limbs have their own which feed back to primary midline

Cranial Nerves = 1-10

Fascia = Skin

10 Bodily Systems 


Visual/Vestibular & A Stable Spine

  • VOR: hand to back of skull & moving the eyes to feel our ‘bracing’


  • Cranium
  • Neck
  • Thorax
  • Core
  • Pelvis 

BOCT = Blood Occlusion Counter Tensioning (Compression/Expansion in isolation)

MFA = MyoFascial Activation (Recruiting ‘new’ tissues in order to learn to yield)  

Equipment List 


2 Plyoballs - 2 or 3 lbs

2 Kettlebells (competition bells) 

Slam ball - 15+ lbs 

Sandbag - 50+ lbs

Belt (Breathbelt recommended)

BFR Bands 

Resistance bands - a pair of the same weight (20+ lbs) 

  • One lighter band if pair is too heavy to bite

MovMed Level 2 Cost



with 3 Month Payment Plan
